Thursday, December 4, 2008

Why worry about the water in a foreign county

Karen´s view: Why worry about the water in a foreign country when you can get ill from the food on the domestic US airline .. which is what I did .. ah but a little purging is good for the soul. Energy and vitality have returned and Neil and I explored the magic of Cusco today and we have photos to prove it!

Karen got a picture of 3 lovely Peruvian Ladies holding little lambs with colorful woven hats. Later than night, I ate them for dinner at a local dining spot. The LAMBS, not the ladies.


Pam said...

Glad you made it there safe! Hey, what's a little bacteria!

Jo Ann said...

Karen, I'm glad you got your get up and go back. Neal, maybe you need to eat more wheaties so you can be tall too. Like shelly, I wish you God Speed. Jo Ann